Los Angeles Tours

LA private tours in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, LAX

U2 YouTube Live from Rose Bowl Pasadena LA Global Webcast October 25, 8:30 PM PST


Watch U2 Live Tour on your computer! It's completely Free!
Chat instantly through Facebook while watching. Post tweets on Tweeter about the U2 Tour in Los Angeles. Global Webcast October 25, 8:30 PM PST!
Don't miss it. Just want to share with my friends.

Views: 344


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Comment by Los Angeles Tours on October 22, 2009 at 11:51pm
Canada Atlantic Time - 12:30:00 a.m. Monday October 26, 2009
Asia Tokyo Time - 12:30:00 Monday October 26, 2009
Asia Beijing Time - 11:30:00 Monday October 26, 2009
Australia Melbourne Time - 14:30:00 p.m. Monday October 26, 2009
Europe London Time - 03:30:00 Monday October 26, 2009
Europe Paris Time - 04:30:00 Monday October 26, 2009
Europe Moscow Time - 06:30:00 Monday October 26, 2009
Europe Kiev Time - 05:30:00 Monday October 26, 2009


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